Dr. John Cranmer’s work focuses on high-impact, low cost health interventions that are collaboratively customized to locally contexts and needs. We implement rigorous scientific methods to real-world implementation challenges to generate transferrable evidence for other global health systems. My synergistic expertise in implementation science, global health and clinical care uniquely poise me create contextually-specific and globally-relevant solutions to common causes of death in global health systems. My implementation approach to low birthweight (LBW) and maternal mortality position impacted communities as central partners in creating solutions to their own health challenges.
I am a implementation science investigator with Emory University (Atlanta) and Emory-Ethiopia, a 13-year not-for-profit clinical-academic-practice-policy partnership. Emory-Ethiopia has over 60 employees across three regions of Ethiopia and has overseen >$27 million in multinational- (WHO, Unicef, NI), federal- and institutional-funding. To halt preventable newborn and maternal deaths in Ethiopia, we have assembled a transdisciplinary, multi-institutional team with complimentary technical expertise. Our technical transdisciplinary team includes professionals with expertise in health systems, pediatrics, neonatology, medicine, infectious disease, nursing, anthropology, global health, nutrition, psychology and biomedical engineering.
To create innovative, globally-relevant and locally customized solutions, we partner with stakeholders from across the continuum of care. Our partners including communities, families, community health volunteers, health posts, hospitals, scientists, regional government and the national ministry of health.
Our team is generating actionable solutions for the primary drivers of low birth weight (LBW) and maternal death in Ethiopia. These include LBW survival, child neurocognitive development, maternal survival, newborn sepsis prevention/detection, neural tube defect prevention, vulnerable newborn breastfeeding support, and practice doctorate nursing education.