The center partners with PATH, a global non-for-profit organization that aspires to improve health, through the implementation research on specialized lactation support for preterm or low birth weight infants. Building on its rich experience in the space PATH supports...

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the main donor for most of the implementation research projects our center is running. Beyond financially supporting several projects our center is engaged in directly through Addis Ababa University (implementation research...

  We collaboratively work with the World Health Organization in the ideation, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of implementation research projects that the center runs. These include the two multicounty implementation research projects that...

One of the key outcomes the center envisions to achieve creating capacity to document and disseminate key findings of the implementation research projects as well as build local capacity to through training of sufficient number of Ethiopian implementation research...

Laerdal Global Health, the not-for-profit sister company of Laerdal Medical is established in 2010 to work in collaboration with partners around the world to help meet the Sustainable Development Goal 3.2. by innovating and supporting healthcare providers provide...