Meselech Assegid Roro

Meselech Assegid Roro

Meselech Assegid Roro is a public health specialist with more than 20 years of experience in design, implementation, and evaluation of maternal and newborn health, and health systems strengthening programs. She has a PhD in Public Health and teaches maternal health...
Rediet Gezahegn

Rediet Gezahegn

Rediet Gezahegn is a public health professional specialized in Reproductive and Family Health from the School of Public Health at Addis Ababa University since 2020. With a combined six years of experience in both teaching and project work, Rediet brings a diverse...
Tesfaneh Shimels

Tesfaneh Shimels

 I am Tesfaneh Shimels, holding a Master’s degree in Public Health with a specialization in Reproductive Health from Addis Ababa University, where I graduated with distinction in December 2022. Prior to this, I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Public...
Tequam Debebe

Tequam Debebe

Tequam Debebe Weldehwariat is an associate professor of radiology with more than 30 years of experience in clinical service. Has 22 years of teaching and research experience, as well as served in various management positions, starting from health center level to dean...
Dr. Mekdes Shifeta

Dr. Mekdes Shifeta

Dr. Mekdes Shifeta is working as a pediatrician and as an assistant professor of pediatrics and child health in Hawassa University Comprehensives Specialized Hospital at the College of Medicine and Health Science. In addition to the regular patient care, she is also...