Tequam Debebe Weldehwariat is an associate professor of radiology with more than 30 years of experience in clinical service. Has 22 years of teaching and research experience, as well as served in various management positions, starting from health center level to dean of the school of medicine.

Currently working as a consultant neuroradiologist, department of radiology postgraduate program coordinator, and research & publication committee member as well as the school of medicine/CHS /AAU appointment & promotion committee member.

She is also involved in advising graduate and postgraduate students on research projects, thematic research, and implementation research:

  • Implementation Research to Scale-up and Evaluate the Impact of Antenatal Corticosteroids on Preterm Newborn Outcomes: a multi-country implementation research. 2022-2027 (Funded by BMGF and coordinated by WHO)

Thematic researches:

  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Imaging characteristics, staging, correlation of staging with duration of clinical presentation and outcome. (Funded by AAU, ongoing)
  • Head injury: Its Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and selected regional hospitals. (Funded by AAU, Completed)
  • Epidemiologic patterns of selected micronutrients relevant to neural tube defect and management of Neural tube defect in Tikur Anbessa and other selected hospitals in Ethiopia (Funded by AAU, Completed)

Publications and Advising:

  • Published more than 15 scientific papers
  • Advised more than 15 residents/fellows’ thesis
  • Currently advising two residents and two fellows’ thesis