Rediet Gezahegn is a public health professional specialized in Reproductive and Family Health from the School of Public Health at Addis Ababa University since 2020. With a combined six years of experience in both teaching and project work, Rediet brings a diverse skill set to her roles that equipped her with the ability to effectively communicate health concepts and engage with diverse audiences, honed project management skills, and deepened her understanding of real-world health system challenges.

Rediet’s professional interests lie primarily in research areas concerning maternal and neonatal health, reflecting her dedication to making tangible improvements in the lives of women and neonates. She finds inspiration in learning from her peers, colleagues, and mentors, recognizing the value of collaboration and shared expertise in driving meaningful change.

Since June 2021, Rediet has been a research assistant and pilot project coordinator at the School of Public Health at Addis Ababa University. In these positions, she plays a crucial role in various aspects of the research process, including coordinating and supervising data collection, qualitative data management, coding, analysis, formulating data collection instruments, quantitative data analysis, and ensuring quality control. Additionally, she actively contributes to scientific papers write-ups.

Since November 2023 to date, she has been working as the study manager of the Antenatal Corticosteroid Implementation Research (ACS IR project), where she leverages her expertise to ensure the project’s success and contribute to advancing knowledge and skill in her field.
