The antenatal corticosteroid (ACS) implementation research project at the Center for Implementation Sciences in Health – CIS conducted a two-day hands-on training on small and sick newborn care (SSNC) in Batu from December 12 to 15, 2023. A total of 44 mid-level labor and delivery care providers from 13 health facilities in Batu town, Meki town, Adami Tulu, Jido, Kombolcha, and Dughda Woredas were trained. The training was conducted in two rounds: the first round from December 12-13 for 21 trainees and the second round from December 14-15 for 23 trainees.

The training aimed to enhance the SSNC at labour and delivery units and safe referral of SSN between facilities at the ACS implementation research site, focusing on improving the skills of childbirth care providers. The training covered components of Essential Newborn Care (ENC) 1 and Essential Newborn Care (ENC) 2 using the revised WHO guideline 2022.