Dr Amanuel Hadgu Berhe


Dr Amanuel Hadgu Berhe is an academic neonatologist with a research portfolio keen on cross-discipline collaboration. My research focus is on implementation science related with quality improvement of newborn healthcare. My goals are to enhance delivery of neonatal care to improve key newborn outcomes.

I’m passionate about neonatal research, understanding the causes of neonatal mortality and contribute in context-based solutions. Moreover, I support early career researchers such as pediatric residents.

Currently I am working as co-investigator of the Saving Little Lives (SLL) implementation project, to accelerate the scale-up for preterm and low birth weight babies intervention packages, a large-scale project funded by the Global Financing Facility and coordinated by UNICEF Ethiopia. In addition, I am coinvestigator of an implementation research on Enhanced management of pneumonia in community (EMPIC) project which is funded by BMGF and coordinated by World Health Organization).

I was also coinvestigator of an implementation research to accelerated scale-up of Kangaroo Mother Care in Ethiopia: a multi-center implementation research which was funded by BMGF and coordinated by World Health Organization.

I am also interested in advancing neonatal Medical technology researches and providing expert input into low cost device development and collaboration linkage to ensure acceleration and translation of devices into neonatal care.